These little booties were my first and I think only baby purchase so far. Ashley, my sister-in-law and I had gone shopping on New Year's Day in Louisiana. We went into a children's store to get Briley, my niece, some new bows. So, when we came across these I couldn't help but buy them. They look huge but really they only fit on my first two fingers.
Getting closer and closer to being out of the first trimester and I am really looking forward to that! My nausea is getting better and this excites me! It comes in waves but nothing like it was for the first few weeks.
We have our next appointment on the 17th and we'll hopefully be able to hear the heartbeat at this one. At our last appointment we saw the heartbeat and it was amazing. The ultrasound technician was so sweet and patient. I told her that my favorite part about it was to watch the little pumping of the heart on the screen and she stayed at that angle for a while just letting me watch.
Our close out at work begins tomorrow and this next week 'til the appointment should be busy. Hopefully, the time will pass quickly. My supervisor at work just went out on maternity leave so I'll be flying solo at work for my first close out all by myself. Should make for an interesting (and busy) week!
I'll be sure to update after our next appointment!