So I just spent some time reading the "Month Four" chapter in my What To Expect When You're Expecting book and I'm a little shocked I am already in the fourth month. The first three months have flown by.
I had a random craving tonight for a sesame bagel with cream cheese for dinner. So I made a trip to Dunkin Donuts (where I learned the life story of the sweetest girl working the drive-thru). For the last few weeks (since our mini snow storm) I've been wanting a chicken cheese hoagie from Philly Connection. So Sunday I trucked it to Snellville to pick it up for lunch. Came home, laid it out on my plate wth some chips, went in the living room, laid it on the ottoman to open the blinds, and turned around to find Sadie (my sweet little puppy who can do no wrong...until now) chomping down on the half of the sandwich she swiped off of my plate and on to the floor. We had a heart to heart and she spent a good portion of the day in her pen. And aside from my fast food trips, my other cravings are orange juice, milk, popcorn, bananas, strawberries, and orange creamsicles.
I had an appointment a couple of weeks ago. Craig was sick and stayed home from work so my mom went with me. We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. It was great. My next appointment is March 19th. And then we should be able to find out the sex of the baby at the next appointment after the 19th (if I don't talk Craig into going to one of the 3D places ahead of time). Can't wait to find out what we are having!
And because I don't like posting without a picture and because I don't have any baby related pictures to post, I'm posting this (more for me to remember the story behind it)...

My immediate supervisor is on maternity leave for the next few weeks. We have close out every 28 days. After a week of close out, my main jobs become paying rents to our landlords and reconciling balance sheet items. When my supervisor was there she put cute little notes on my recon folders after checking them, a lot of them including smiley faces.
When Jenny went out on maternity leave I started giving my recons to Mike, the controller, to review. I asked him if he would continue to put smileys on my recons (I know, I know, I am so professional!) and it has been a topic of conversation ever since (mainly with a big fat NO as an answer to that question). This is what I came in to this Monday morning and it made me crack up! I am so blessed to have a job that I love so much!