Monday, June 28, 2010

Getting Closer

31 weeks

32 weeks
Being pregnant has been the most amazing experience ever. I say this not even knowing what it is like to have one child yet, BUT I could totally see why people have more than one kid. And I say this for a lot of reasons, all of which are based solely on my pregnancy. The first trimester was not easy. I was pretty much throwing up for the majority of it and at the most inopportune times. But honestly, everything that has come after those first 14 or 15 weeks has totally overshadowed that miserable feeling.

People are so nice when you are pregnant. They make conversation with you. They hold the door for you. Cater isn't the word I want to use, but I can't think of anything better to describe it. People tend to shift towards you when you're pregnant. And let me just say that I all in all I don't think I'm an approachable person. But I guess you put a belly and a waddle on me and I appear to be approachable. I feel like this pregnancy has made me a nicer person. Not to mention all of the compliments - "You're cute as a button." " You're beautiful." "You're all belly." And my favorite one from my husband on Saturday night out to eat dinner, "I think you've gotten prettier since you've been pregnant." Because trust me, there are plenty of days when I can't find anything to wear and I'm looking at how much my body has changed and I don't feel the slightest bit "pretty".

The way my body has changed is a completely different topic. I think everyone has a number in the back of their head that they don't want to hit. I hit mine last week at my doctor's visit and I don't think I freaked out as much as I thought I would. Now, I may be singing a different tune once he is here and I'm trying to get that weight off. But it just seems so minor in compairson to feeling his kicks and getting to know him the way I feel I have. I have welcomed the changes. Everyday, sitting at my desk at work, I can expect for his feet to get up so high it feels like they might reach my throat. And at night when I'm going to bed and I roll over to my left side to fall asleep, I can expect for some sort of temper tantrum that occurs on my right side as he get situated. And in the morning when I wake up, I can feel him snuggled up on my left side. I can't wait to get to know him more once he is here. The closer it gets the more anxious I feel to meet him.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Doing Fine!

This picture was taken last Friday - at 30 weeks. Only 10 more to go!

We had a check up today and everything is looking great. I now start going every 2 weeks since we are getting closer. Which is just crazy to think about. They checked his size and even though I continue to measure bigger (today I measured 34 weeks), they saw in the ultrasound that it's just that I have extra fluid in my uterus. They believe he will be a bigger baby that "average", but the due date is staying the same. I'm feeling really good!

Getting excited about my upcoming baby showers that Anna and her mom are throwing and also the one we are having at work!

I put together a Waffle House softball team. We play on Wednesday nights. When I say "we" I mean the team plays and I act as "team mom". Craig is playing and a couple of the other spouses of people in my department are also. I seriously love my co workers (if I haven't said that enough). Everyone gets along really well. I guess I'm just not used to that. And to everyone's surprise we didn't get slaughtered at our last game. This week will be more of a test. We'll see how it goes! I'll be armed with my team mom responsibilities of Capri Suns and Cracker Jacks.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Welcome to the Third Trimester!

I really had better intentions of keeping up with this blog. But dang, my pregnancy feels like its going by faster than I can keep up with it! My birthday, yesterday, marked the 28th week. Only 12 more weeks to go.

Picture at 27.5 weeks

I had the glucose testing this past week for gestational diabetes. My levels were a little higher than they like to see so they want me to come back this upcoming Friday to do the three hour test. They measure you in centimeters from your pelvic bone to the top of your uterus and the measurement they take should correspond with the number of weeks you are at by plus or minus 2cm. I was measure at 31cm when I was there for my 27 week appointment. So we get to have an ultrasound in three weeks to check his size. The big baby thing scares me but the fact that I get to see him again makes up for it.

He is moving around like crazy and it is such an amazing feeling. There was one night I laid in bed watching my stomach bounce up and down for probably about an hour.

Craig's family threw us a shower at his grandmother's house for Memorial Day weekend and completely spoiled us. It was so nice of them to do that for us. We got loaded up with diapers, LSU onesies, camo gear, lotions, medicine bottles, bottles. Craig's mom spruced up his old rocking chair when he was a kid and painted Brantley's name on it. It looks so great!

Pic from our Louisiana trip - after pigging out on some crawfish.

Speaking of rocking chairs and LSU gear, our kid is already set when it comes to the college football team he will support. Mom had them make this kid's rocker over at Leather Creations. It looks great and I'm sure Brantley will get a lot of use out of it in the next few years!

Today we're off to get as much done on the nursery as possible. Craig and my mom worked their butts off painting it yesterday so I'm ready to hang things up and get everything in place. This talk of a bigger baby or my due date possibly being sooner than August 28th totally has me motivated to get things done.

Hanging out at Dad and June's for my birthday.

Progress on Brantley's room.


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