I never knew my heart could feel this much love. Wow. Brantley is here and absolutely perfect.
He was born on Friday, September 3rd. We went in the hospital to be induced that morning. After waiting in the waiting room for an hour they took us back at seven o'clock. I got hooked up to my IV and the pitocin was started around eight o'clock. Putting the hospital gown on and getting hooked up to the IVs made it all real.
I was pretty slow progressing but by dinner time I was at 8cm and things were looking good. But they slowed up pretty quickly and by 9:30 pm when I was still 8cm, Dr. Wiist decided our best bet was a C-section. Everything happened pretty quickly after that. They upped my epidural to numb me, gave Craig some scrubs, I kissed my mama, and we were off.
The time in the operation room where they got me set up on the table and Craig had to wait outside was the longest however many minutes it was of my life. Once he was able to come in and sit down at my left shoulder, I was fine. And then we waited. We stared at each other and he talked to me and we waited. To hear Brantley's cry. I remember Dr. Wiist telling me that I would feel pressure up high in my chest and then he would be here. I felt the pressure and then heard his cry and I instantly started crying. Dr. Wiist held him up over the sheet and we both felt such relief to finally have him here with us and to be able to lay our eyes on him.
I finally feel like (at almost two weeks old) I am finally getting the hang of this. Living your life on 3 hour increments (for feeding time) can be quite an adjustment coupled with lack of sleep. But I wouldn't trade the 2am feedings for anything in the world. Craig has been amazing and helps out tons. I love watching Craig hold him and talk to him. It has just made me love him that much more.
God is so good and we are so blessed.