Kristen: John, can you help me look up this invoice and give me a better description of what it was for?
John: (After spacing out on me a few times mid-invoice-look-up.) Sorry about that. I'm operating at like 80% today due to my blood loss.
Kristen: John, you gave blood a week ago. I'm pretty sure you should be back to your old self.
John: I know. But you should know what I'm talking about. I mean, I'm sure you have less energy with all that extra weight you are carrying around.
Ha! If anyone else had said this, I would have totally been offended. But you'd have to know John to understand how innocent it was. I couldn't help but bust out laughing (probably to keep from crying)!
Another funny work story. Today was our controllers birthday celebration. It's tradition to have a dessert for every birthday or anniversary in our department. A cake was ordered from the Great American Cookie Company. In past experiences, you never know what the cake is actually going to say. One time we ordered a cake that was supposed to say, "Happy Birthday Jenny! Sorry Carissa!" (Because Carissa has a hard time turning down cookie cake and she was trying to be good.) When the cake was picked up it said, "Happy Birthday Jenny! Sorry Pariffa." Except "sorry" looked like "sexy". So now Sexy Pariffa is referred to a lot.
The cake today was supposed to say, "Happy Birthday. Here's to 50 more years." (But he's not 50 yet.) This is what came out:

Good times. I love my job. Seriously.
OH MY GOSH! this TOTALLY made me LOL! wow! i love it, what the heck is up with the cookie cake people?!