At 4 months old you...
- Weigh 16 pounds 12.5 ounces (85th percentile)
- Are 26 inches tall (90th percentile)
- We just finished the last of the size 2 diapers and you are now in a size 3.
- You are in between sizes right now. Most of your 3 to 6 months clothes fit you. Some of the footed sleepers are getting a little tight in that size. You are wearing some 6 to 9 month clothes with the sleeves rolled up.
- Love putting everything in your mouth. You've been a little grouchy lately and that is not like you. It makes me wonder if we are getting close to those teeth coming in.
- Trying to get the hang of holding your own bottle (I don't think I'm ready for this one yet).
- Smile all the time and laugh when something is REALLY funny. But you don't just give a laugh away without hard work from the person trying to make you laugh.
- Are definitely a morning baby. I love going to get you from your crib in the mornings because you just look at me and smile.
- Sleep like an angel! You go to bed at about 7pm. We give you a bottle between 9 and 10 and you sleep until I go to wake you up to feed you before work (between 5:30 and 6am). On the weekends you will sleep til about 7 or 8am.
-The last few nights you have started turning yourself over from your back to your tummy in your crib in the middle of the night. This has thrown a small kink in your sleeping because you absolutely hate being on your stomach. I know the distict cry when it has happened. I go in, roll you over, and you go right back to sleep (until you do it again).
- At your four month appointment, Dr. H said we could start introducing you to solids. We've been putting oatmeal in your bottle since you were 2 months old. So we gave you oatmeal cereal to start out. You weren't crazy about it but you tolerated it. Yesterday we tried carrots for the first time and you LOVED them. You smiled and smacked your lips the whole time. It is so much fun to sit face to face and have breakfast (and dinner) together.
- You "talk" all the time. You babble and we babble back to you and it goes on for awhile. And of course, you smile the whole way through it.
- We took a trip to Louisiana for New Year's Eve and you did awesome in the long car ride there and the long car ride home. You were so flexible while we were there. We are so lucky you are such an easy baby.
- Love when I read books to you. We read "On the Night You Were Born" almost every night. Julie gave this to you for Christmas and it quickly became one of my favorites. You just sit and look at the pictures as we turn the pages and I read it to you. One of my favorite times of the day.
- Your favorite toys right now are your doorway bouncer that we got you for Christmas and a toy that Aunt Ashley and Uncle Greg got you to work your feet. You lay on the floor smiling and kicking the hanging toys. Those keep you very entertained.
I want this time with you to slow down. I was telling someone the other day that the first month and a half was so tough trying to learn each other and figure out what I was supposed to be doing. I have "hit my stride" (as Anna says) and I wish I could have that time back. Half the time I didn't know whether I was coming or going. But you were patient with me and we have figured it out together! We have learned so much about each other these last four months. I know what way you want to be held. I've learned your cries. I know what you'll like and dislike. I know I don't have everything figured out. I know there will be another stage we will get to where I will feel overwhelmed and not sure of what to do. But I know we'll figure that out together when we get to it. I love you so much Brantley. My world is so much better with you in it!
this got me a little teary eyed. you are such a good mom! i love you mane.