Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy 5 Months, Brantley!

At 5 months, you...
  • (Unofficially) weigh 19 pounds.
  • Are up to 4 foods now: carrots, bananas, sweet potatos, and pears. You could do without the bananas, but have loved everything else. We are going to try to start peas this upcoming weekend. I'm a freak about giving you new foods and like to be the one to introduce them to you so I can watch and make sure you aren't allergic. So we wait for Saturdays to introduce new foods.
  • Wiggle all the time. Constantly. You do not know how to sit still. Your dad's nickname as a kid was "worm" for that same reason. Like father, like son.
  • Still haven't learned to roll over to your back in the middle of the night after rolling yourself to your stomach. I think your big baby belly gets in the way. Most of the time you sleep through it but there is the occassional middle of the night wail for us to come help you out.
  • Your favorite toys this month are still your doorway bouncer and Sadie. You love watching her and are starting to reach for her. She, of course, is loving the extra attention. We just introduced the exersaucer a week or so ago and you're loving that.
  • You are still in most pants that are 3-6 months. Some sleepers that are 6 months. And a little bit of everything (onesies, sleepers, and some pants) that are 6-9 months.
  • You are wearing size 3 diapers.
  • Your favorite book is still On the Night You Were Born. When we get to the page with the polar bears face you slap your hand against it almost every time.
  • Your bed time is like clock work every night. We take a bath, read a book, I sing "Stand By Me" to you, and put you you in your crib. By 7:00 to 7:15 you are out. I am very selfish and wish you would stay awake longer so we could hang out more in the evenings. You sleep until between 5:30 or 6 am when I wake you up to eat before we get ready to leave in the mornings. You are definitely a morning baby.
  • Are the cutest baby I know. We love you so much!

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