Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Birthday to the Sweetest Two Year Old I Know!

We celebrated Dylan's second birthday this weekend. Josh had made a slide show of pictures of him over his two years of life and it was such a reminder of how fast it goes by. I remember being there with her family when he was born. He's such an awesome kid and I feel so blessed to be a part of his life. Hearing him say "Tisten" never gets old. I hope he still calls me that whe he's fourteen. :) Here are a few pictures of the party and us watching the LSU game at their house afterwards. It was a really fun day! Brantley had a good time!

Last night Brantley only woke up once! Normally I have to feed him at 2:00am and 5:00 am. Last night I gave him an extra ounce than I normally do at 11:30pm. He didn't wake up again until 3:30am and then again at 8:00am. It was amazing! I hope this is a sign of more good things to come. I ordered him a new swaddle blanket called the Miracle Blanket. It has a pocket for their arms - so they can't work their way out of it. I am hoping this will help him stay asleep through the night. We shall see!

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