Wednesday, November 3, 2010

2 Months!

Oh my gosh, I can't believe two months have already passed! I've been telling myself over the last few weeks that I would be ready to go back to work. I'd be ready to not be spit up on all day long. I'd be ready to have adult conversation during the day. I'd be ready to use my brain again. And the nerdy accountant in me cannot wait to get back to bank reconciliations, journal entries, etc. This is my last week at home on maternity leave. I go back on Monday. And wow, it is starting to hit me how hard Monday is going to be. I am so glad that we are lucky enough to have June watch him when I go back (and my mom on Fridays for the first six weeks).

Ok, enough of being a debbie downer about next week and on to his two month stats...

- Weighs 11 pounds 3.5 ounces
- 23 inches long
- 50th percentile for length and head circumference
- 40th percentile for weight
- He has started sitting up really well in his Bumbo. His head bobbles every now and then but he's got awesome control over it for the most part.
- He smiles all the time. It does not take much to get him to smile. And I of course love that he finds us so entertaining.
- He will play on his play mat for longer periods of time and is learning to bat at his toys. Every now and then he'll get a hold of a toy and hang on.
- Still loving his swing. But we are starting to use it less for naps. He's started napping in his crib more. We are using Babywise to get a schedule and he's taking to it really well!
- Has made eye contact with Sadie a few times. And she can't get enough of him.
- His reflux seems to be under control now and this makes me a happy mama. Once it was under control he started gaining weight and eating great.
- He takes a 5 oz bottle every 3 to 3 1/2 hours. At night we give him a 6 oz bottle. The longest he has slept at night was 6 hours. I think it was a fluke at this point though.
- Still loving his bath time. He becomes so chill when we sit him down in it and loves looking at himself in the mirror while we bathe him.
- Is in Size 1 diapers.
- Wearing mostly 0-3 month clothing but still has a few newborn outfits that fit him well.


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