Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Update in iPhone Photos

I love taking pictures of this little man, so what better way to update than share his newest pictures a la the iPhone.

He's almost ready for his exersaucer. We have to stuff blankets in there so he doesn't face plant it in to the front of it and he likes to slouch to the side of it. But we're getting there! He was not happy with me taking his picture here. Some shouting shortly followed.
Shopping with mom at Target! They need to make bigger buggies!

We were about to leave the house to have our picture taken by Anna for our Christmas cards. He looks so darn cute in his outfit and he was a happy boy!
He's really getting good at holding his head up. He gets it off the ground pretty good now. It bobbles a lot in all of his excitement which is why the photo is so blurry. :)
Daddy's Rookie of the Year!
About to head to the tree farm to get the boy his first Christmas tree. I was clearly more excited about this than he was.
Bass Pro Shop trip to help Dad pick out camo for his hunting trip to Oklahoma with Greg.
Ready for business.

Getting used to sittin' in the Bumbo seat. He holds his hands like that all of the time.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'm Goin' To Do It! {And Finish It!}

A few years ago I started Project 365 where I took a picture everyday. At the time it was a self portrait a day and I lasted probably 15 or 16 days tops. For my new years resoltuion this year I am going to try this project again - 2011 seems like a good year for it. This time I won't be doing self portraits - that's too hard - I'm just going to photograph every day stuff. I now have a really cute subject to take pictures of if there isn't anything else that sticks out in everyday life. But I take pictures of Brantley all the time so I want this to be more about what is going on around us and less about him.

I have made excuses for not doing it on the past even though I've really wanted to. My main excuse was my big bulky camera (that I love so much and am not complaining about in the least bit) is not very easy to carry around in the purse. But the iPhone takes pictures just fine and maybe Santa will bring me a small point and shoot camera this year for Christmas. :) I know it is going to be tough to follow through with it for a year and there are going to be days when taking a picture is the last thing I want to do, but I think to have 365 pictures at the end of what was going on my life that year seems pretty cool.

You can find my failed project here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/52389258@N00/sets/72157600626283076/

I'm not sure how I'm going to keep up with my new project. Maybe upload to here every week on Sunday so there will be seven weeks worth and categorize them so I can find them easier. Or maybe I'll upload them to my Flickr account. But I think you'd have to update to the Pro account to be able to upload as many as I'll have and I'm kind of cheap.

So I'm not starting this until January 1st, 2011. (Holy crap we are almost in 2011!) But I feel the need to put it out there so I will actually follow through with it! I will. I will. I will. I'll keep telling myself that...


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

His Laugh! {Not So} Wordless Wednesday

He laughed tonight for the first time. Normally he smiles like crazy but nothing comes out. We got it on video. What an awesome thing to come home to! Gah, I love this kid so much!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Photo courtesy of June. :)


Friday, November 12, 2010

On Becoming Babywise

I keep beginning this post and then deleting it for some reason. Because I have so much that I want to write about it that I just get overwhelmed and quit without saving the draft.

The week before I went back to work Brantley and I worked on getting him on a schedule. I heard about Babywise from a friend and decided to look in to it. There were TONS of opinions on the internet. Everyone had an opinion on it and whether it was good or bad, the opinions were strong both ways. People either LOVED it or HATED it. I rarely found a middle ground in reading reviews of the book. I went ahead and committed to buying the book. I figured whatever, I'd try it for a week and I couldn't screw him up that bad in a week if it didn't work well for us. If it didn't work I'd only be out approximately 13 bucks and a weeks worth of work.

Our "routine" before reading this book looked something like this:
- Up almost every 3 hours at night to eat. Once he ate he was passed out to sleep another 3 hours. But the 3 hour routine was wearing me out.
- Wake up around seven o'clock, change him, feed him, put him in his swing in the living room so I could fall back to sleep on the sofa while he would eventually go back to sleep swinging.
- He'd sleep til almost eleven and so would I. Half the day would be gone by the time I felt like I had somewhat caught up on sleep and could peel myself off the couch to start the day (at eleven o'clock).
- By mid afternoon he'd be cranky. We would be on our way to my mom's work for lunch or to Kohl's to shop or the grocery store and I'd hold my breath for what kind of mood would follow. There was a grocery store run that he started screaming in and it was everything I had not to abandon my buggy and head for the car. I stuck it out, got most of what I needed to make dinner, left, and decided I'd come back when Craig got home and could watch him.
- Rocking him to sleep every night, sometimes for an hour, just to get him to get tired, and slowly placing him in his crib so he didn't wake up and we'd have to start it all over again. And if he did wake up, he'd cry until we rocked him back to sleep to try again.

Babywise has made Brantley a happier baby and me a much more confident mom. I know what to expect from him and he knows what to expect from me. I know when the best times for meeting friends for dinner are. I know the best times to take a longer car ride than normal. The book mentioned that this schedule made your life more flexible. When I first starting reading the book I thought - how can this be flexible? It seems so rigid and structured. But it is completely flexible.

The hardest part was letting him cry it out in the beginning. I wasn't too crazy about it and it physically made me hurt to listen to it. But we had an end goal and I was determined to see it through. Everyone has an opinion on that, too. So I double checked with my pediatrician and she assured me that as long as he was fed, changed, and not sick to go for it. Before we started Babywise we would rock him to sleep every night til he was completely out of it and hold our breath while we laid him in his crib in hopes that he stayed asleep. Now we rock him because we want to hold him and love on him. Not stressed and tired and wishing him to fall asleep. When we are done rocking him we put him in his crib awake (but drowsy) and he puts himself to sleep with little fussing. I feel like this is an important skill for him to have all throughout his childhood.


Working Mama

This week I officially joined the working mom category and let me just say I am worn out. Like every new adventure with having a baby for the first time, it is definitely an adjustment. An adjustment that consisted of being in bed by 8:30 most nights. I'm not going to lie. You know I'm tired when I don't stay up on Thursday night to watch Grey's Anatomy or Private Practice.

I came in to my computer screen full of welcome back post it notes, a picture of my co-workers as my background on my desktop, flowers, and brownies after lunch for dessert. It made the day so much better than I thought it would be.

Thank God my manager at work just had a baby in February. I made it to work on time every day, but my brain did not join me. I apparently left it with Brantley. There were just a lot of dumb questions and stupid mistakes. Example - forgetting how to transfer a call to someone else. I answered the phone for someone else and then froze when it came time to transfer the call. Easy stuff, but my mind blanks. I had a free pass this week though. I told her I was so glad she hired me before I had a baby, although I'm sure she's regretting it. Haha!

There are two girls that I work with that are pregnant. Both having boys - Waffle House seems to do that to you. And they are so much further along in their pregnancies now than when I left for maternity leave. It's like a visual of how much time has passed since I've been there. And it all went too fast.

Pros to being back at work:
- Adult conversation
- Dressing up in work clothes!
- Co-workers I consider friends
- A new chair as a welcome back gift
- Using my brain - or what is left of it
- Seeing Brantley's sweet smile at the end of the day.

Cons to being back at work:
- Missing Brantley
- Missing Brantley
- Missing Brantley
- Missing Brantley
- Missing Brantley

I did better than I expected. I only had a semi-meltdown on Monday evening. I looked forward to seeing him all day on Monday and getting a smile, and when I got home he was conked out. And stayed pretty conked out for most of the night. No smile was given and I threw myself a mini pity party. But it got easier as the week went on. I just couldn't wait for the weekend to get here to spend time with him. So excited to have the day with him tomorrow and Sunday.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

2 Months!

Oh my gosh, I can't believe two months have already passed! I've been telling myself over the last few weeks that I would be ready to go back to work. I'd be ready to not be spit up on all day long. I'd be ready to have adult conversation during the day. I'd be ready to use my brain again. And the nerdy accountant in me cannot wait to get back to bank reconciliations, journal entries, etc. This is my last week at home on maternity leave. I go back on Monday. And wow, it is starting to hit me how hard Monday is going to be. I am so glad that we are lucky enough to have June watch him when I go back (and my mom on Fridays for the first six weeks).

Ok, enough of being a debbie downer about next week and on to his two month stats...

- Weighs 11 pounds 3.5 ounces
- 23 inches long
- 50th percentile for length and head circumference
- 40th percentile for weight
- He has started sitting up really well in his Bumbo. His head bobbles every now and then but he's got awesome control over it for the most part.
- He smiles all the time. It does not take much to get him to smile. And I of course love that he finds us so entertaining.
- He will play on his play mat for longer periods of time and is learning to bat at his toys. Every now and then he'll get a hold of a toy and hang on.
- Still loving his swing. But we are starting to use it less for naps. He's started napping in his crib more. We are using Babywise to get a schedule and he's taking to it really well!
- Has made eye contact with Sadie a few times. And she can't get enough of him.
- His reflux seems to be under control now and this makes me a happy mama. Once it was under control he started gaining weight and eating great.
- He takes a 5 oz bottle every 3 to 3 1/2 hours. At night we give him a 6 oz bottle. The longest he has slept at night was 6 hours. I think it was a fluke at this point though.
- Still loving his bath time. He becomes so chill when we sit him down in it and loves looking at himself in the mirror while we bathe him.
- Is in Size 1 diapers.
- Wearing mostly 0-3 month clothing but still has a few newborn outfits that fit him well.


Worldess Wednesdays

Ha! I just looked and I had originally called this post "Worldess Windows". Sounds like Wednesdays, I guess. That is what three and half hours of sleep last night will do to me. He wakes up every four hours but I have the hardest time going back to sleep when he has no problem with this after he gets his 1am bottle! :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Oh Yeah! {Milestones}

I was JUST telling Anna yesterday that people who post all over Facebook how many hours straight their babies are sleeping at night really piss me off. And I sooooooooooo had to fight the urge not to be that person. Little man slept 6 hours last night. Put him down in his crib after a bottle at 9:30 pm and I woke up panicked at 3:30 am because he hadn't woken me up yet.

He also took a bath last night that there were no tears shed over. I got him to stop crying while giving him the bath (we switched from a sponge in the big bath tub to a baby tub he sat down in) but getting him out of the tub he pitched a fit. Last night the bath and drying off from the bath were tearless. Little accomplishments!

AND he is now big enough to sit in his Bumbo seat for small periods of time. He's got awesome control of his head. When it falls down he picks it right back up. He's growing so fast and is so much fun.

I have to go back to work next Monday. I'm going to miss him like crazy but I'm soaking up this week as much as possible!

We have his 2 month appointment this week. I'm anxious to see how much he weighs. Look at that double chin! I love that he finds me so funny! :)



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