Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Weigh In

Weight Lost: -0.6 pounds
Total Weight Lost to Date: -15.8 pounds

I am second place in our Biggest Loser Challenge at work. I was in the lead until last week and then a co-worker snuck by me in total percentage of weight lost. Which is a big motivator because I.don’ I am a little over half way to my second goal (28 by 28). I have 10 more weeks from today before my 28th birthday and at that point I want to be 28 pounds lighter. I need to get back in the habit of working out.

Our whole house got sick about a month ago and between trying to get myself and Brantley better, working out just took a back seat. Mainly, because I didn’t feel like working out. It had become such a routine though and once I got out of the routine it’s been hard to get it back.

My goals this week are to finally get in “new” numbers (won’t be listing that number on this blog any time soon), to do Zumba on the Wii 3 nights this week, and run on the treadmill at least one night.
I have 10 more weeks to lose 12.2 pounds which averages out to 1.22 pounds a week. Totally do-able. Photobucket

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dinner Mishap

Mom came over last night. Her, Brantley, and I went to dinner. I picked Frontera so I could get a fajita chicken salad. I've been craving that lately. I tried a new schedule yesterday with Brantley where I am feeding him more at a time and trying to stretch out his feedings. Wasn't sure how later in the day would work out for him, but it seemed to work well towards the beginning of the day.

Our dinner was very comical. If it weren't me going through it and I was someone from another table watching us, I would have been laughing hysterically. Long story short, my diet coke was knocked over while transferring Brantley across the table to my mom. Then on the transfer back to me once our food got there, little VERY curious hands ended up in the middle of the salsa. It was hilarious. <><>

He has started reaching for whoever's arms he is not in. Going back and forth between people is a game he likes to play and it never gets old for him. It's adorable! Craig comes back from Louisiana/Texas today. He's been gone since Wednesday. I KNOW Craig does a lot to help out, but him being gone and having to do it all for a few days was a good reminder of that. I'm ready for him to be home. We have missed him.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ah-mazing Day!

I love days like today. Days where you have nothing planned. Low key days of spending time on the back deck, a trip to the mall, and the three of us spending time together. The weather did not hurt the day at all. It was beautiful!
Craig had an appointment at the Apple store so Brantley and I tagged along with him. Once his phone was replaced (he cracked the screen yesterday), we went to JC Penny's so that I could use my $10 coupon. I bought the boy and outfit for $3.16 thanks to that handy coupon. Some adorable plaid shorts and an orange polo shirt, in size 12 months, for summer. Hard to believe he is almost in 12 month clothing!
Then we came home, watched a little March Madness basketball, Craig mowed the grass, while Brantley and I played on the back deck. Then when Craig was done he took Brantley for a spin around the backyard and I swept the back porch. Brantley was a happy boy today. He loves being outside and I am so thankful for nice days like today where he can enjoy being out there.
I live for days like today. This week has been stressful. Close out at work with two subsidiaries now has left me at work late most nights. Tuesday I didn't leave until 8:30pm. I'm not complaining because I LOVE my job and I know it will get easier as I get in more of a routine with the work load of two subs. But I have missed this munchkin SO much this week.
Helping dad out on the computer. Craig spent a chunk of the day reloading his iPhone. Brantley helped. Duke doesn't have much interaction with Brantley since he's now an outside dog. He takes what he can get. If I was little and a 70 pound dog was in my face I'd be nervous. Brantley has no fear.
Sweet boy. Always smiling.


15 and counting!

As of last week, I am officially 15 pounds down! I am so close to new numbers and can hardly stand it. Not sure it will happen this week, but I'm working at it!

Stats as of 3/14/2011:
Total weight loss: 15.2 pounds
Dress size: Down 2 sizes. Fitting in pants I have fit in to in a very long time.
Weight left til goal weight: 26.4 pounds
Small goal met: Lost baby weight plus 4.6 pounds on top of that.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Best 6 Months Ever.

Lately I have felt five steps behind on everything I need to do. Yesterday my mom watched Brantley for most of the day so I could get things checked off my list. I got tons of loads of laundry done, packed away Brantley's baby clothes that were newborn to 6 months, deep cleaned my house, bought baby food, washed bottles, organized pictures. It did amazing things for my spirit. Now if I could just get that organized in my work life I would be set. After close out this week, I am making that happen.

The packing away of Brantley's baby clothes made me crazy emotional. How in just six months have I forgotten he was once that little? To remember the little 8 pound baby I brought home from the hospital I figured I would post a few pictures on my blog that I have posted before.

The best six months of my life.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy 6 Months, Brantley!


I am loving the stage that you are at right now. Little pieces of your personality are starting to show through and I absolutely love it! I have not been around many babies before you, but I'm convinced that you are the most easy going baby out there. You adjust to whatever situation you are in. You love people and love people watching. And you have such a sense of humor. I am so looking forward to watching your personality develop even more over the next few months.

At 6 months, you...
  • Weigh 19 pounds 8 ounces
  • 27 and something (I zoned out at your appointment, but I think she said 3/4) inches long.
  • Are in the 90th percentile for height, 75th for weight, and 90th for head circumference.
  • You have eaten bananas, pears, sweet potatoes, carrots, prunes, and peas.
  • You have no desire to hold your bottle and are perfectly happy with me doing it for you. On one hand, I'd love to have my hands free every now and then. On the other, I know when you are holding your bottle, I'm going to miss doing it for you.
  • You got sick for the first time this month. It started out as a cold and then moved in to your chest and developed in to bronchitis. I'm not going to lie, it stressed me out. I know you are going to get sick plenty of times in your life, but I felt so helpless. Glad to have it behind us.
  • You still sleep like a champ and I soooooooooo love you for it. We start winding down around 6:45. Some nights you have a bath, we get you in your PJs, we read a story, sing "Stand By Me" and rock. Around 7:00 pm I put you in your crib and turn your mobile on. By 7:15 you are out. We give you a bottle while you sleep around 8:30 or 9:00. You sleep until 6:45 or 7:00 the next morning. On the weekends you will push it til around 8:00am.
  • You have finally learned to roll yourself back over from your stomach to your back. So I don't have to go roll you over when you're upset about it in your crib. You love sleeping on your tummy. You immediately roll over the minute I lay you in your crib.
  • You love to be scared. Daddy hides sometimes and pops out to scare you and you laugh. You think it's so funny. Daddy also claps in your face and it startles you but you laugh hysterically. You LOVE clapping. You've started to put your hands on our hands while we clap and just grin.
  • You reached for me last week and it did my heart so good. Daddy was holding you. When I held my hands out to take you when I got home from work you leaned in to them to come to me.
  • Favorite toys: Anything you can sit up and play with on the floor. You're also loving your exersaucer. And I don't think you will ever get tired of your doorway bouncer.

A few of your 6 month pictures:

I love you, Mister!


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