Thursday, January 31, 2013

Brantley Says...

Brantley: who you just talking to?
Craig: your grandpa. Who you talking to?
Brantley: I not talking to anybody. I don't have a phone.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Poopie in the Potty!

Yes I am THAT parent that is blogging about her kid going poop in the potty. I can't help it I am so proud of him! I was giving him a bath tonight and he said, "mommy you going to change my diaper?" This normally means one thing - he's already gone. I looked in the bath tub and it was all clear so I pulled him out and plopped him down on the potty. I started talking to him about the big boy Mater underwear I brought home from the beach for him but he couldn't wear them until he started pooping in the potty and not his diaper. I told him to concentrate really hard and push it out and he did! His face lit up. He was so proud of himself. He have me a high five then Craig then back to me again "for a really big high five".

The best part...
Tonight before bed we were saying our prayers. He said "God bless mommy and daddy, and uncle Jake, and Steve." Then he pulls his head up off my shoulder and looks me straight in the eye very serious and says, "we don't bless poopie".

My. Kid. Is. Awesome.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


This year my main goal is to take better care of myself. It is a broad goal and I have small goals to accomplish them but overall the theme for 2013 is to take care of Kristen - physically (run half marathon in March), emotionally (make more time for me, get organized at home), regarding my relationships with others, financially (save and pay off some debts), in motherhood, and as a wife. I love the new year because I love the feeling of a fresh start! So looking forward to what this year will bring!


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