Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Standing Up Like a Big Boy!

Craig and I tag team pretty well in the mornings to get us all out the door.  Between getting Brantley's bottle together, picking out his clothes he's going to wear, packing his bag for June or Sandy's house, changing his cothes/diaper, and feeding him.  We make a good team. 

This morning we both happened to be going in to his room at the same time. I went in to to drop of the bottle that I had made (so Craig could feed him) an pick out his clothes.  Craig went in to get him out of his crib, change his diaper, and put him in his clothes for the day. 

We both walked in to find him standing up in his crib like it was nothing and we stopped short, looked at him, and then looked at each other like "Is he standing?"  So funny! 

Needless to say, the crib got knocked down a peg tonight. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend Update

We had such an awesome weekend. It was busy and full, but it was a lot of fun.
We met Anna, Josh, and Dylan in the park near their house on Friday night to watch Shrek on a movie screen that they had set up in the amphitheater. Brantley had a great time watching Dylan, eating puffs, playing with his truck, and hanging out. He held out until almost 9:15 when I decided we should probably head out. I figured he would be out when we got to the car but he didn’t quite fall asleep until we were getting off the exit to go home. We took some really cute pictures of him and Dylan. I love watching him watch other kids. He’s just so amazed.

Saturday I took Anna’s BOB stroller to the park to test it out and see if I might want to buy it from her. It was a no brainer. So smooth compared to my jogging stroller. I have LOVED my stroller and have had no complaints with it. It was very helpful when Brantley was still in his carrier because it popped right in his stroller and it’s been a great stroller. It is a great stroller for someone who walks for exercise but the more I’ve gotten in to running the more I’ve been stroller jealous of other moms at the park. And now that I’ve had a taste of the BOB stroller I’m spoiled. Saturday afternoon we went to a local flea market and looked around. Then Saturday night we dropped Brantley off at Anna’s and headed to Hartwell Speedway to watch Craig’s co-worker race. I LOVE racing! I grew up spending Saturday nights at the dirt tracks watching sprint cars with my dad. So I loved the smell of gasoline mixed with dust and the sound of their engines. We stopped by Craig’s boss’ house on our way home. Based on the pictures and videos Anna set, Brantley had a great time. Even if he did have his picture taken in a Georgia helmet. 

 Sunday was a big day! Not only did Brantley start crawling on Saturday (like seriously crawling from one side of the room to the other – not a couple of crawls before toppling over), but Sunday he said his first word! He and I were outside hanging out in his wagon while Craig worked on his truck. We were going to go to the park to run, but I wanted him to have a chance to wake up from his nap before we left. He is at this stage where he copies everything we do. If we cough, he coughs. If we laugh, he laughs. So I was recording him laughing. When I got ready to turn the video off I said “Say bye-bye”, and he looked at me waving my hand bye behind the camera and said it back to me! I looked at Craig and said, “Did you just hear that?”  I will post the video soon.

Crawling and his first word all in one weekend! He is growing so fast!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Weekly Weigh In

We normally weigh in on Mondays but we weighed in on Tuesday this week when we could all be there. So here goes...

This week's loss:   -1.8 pounds
Total lost:           -23.2 pounds

I am officially at my half way point!  23 more pounds to go for my overall goal.  Only 4.8 more to go for my 28 by 28 goal. 

This week I ran four miles on my treadmill.  I had gotten up to 3 miles when running at the park.  But this week Brantley was sleepy and I didn't want to take him out in fear that he might have a meltdown from being tired while we were out at the park.  So after I put him to bed I got on the treadmill, told myself I wasn't going to stop running until I hit four miles, and that is exactly what I do.  And now I want to push myself farther.  This running thing is addicting. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

8 Month Update

I am way behind in getting this posted and his picture taken, but here is the munchkin's monthly update...

This might be my most favorite stage yet. I love that you know what you want when you want it. I love that you are "spunky" and carry on "conversations". I love that you are sitting up so well and are so much fun to play with upright. I love how curious you are, but also the fact that you aren't too mobile yet so I don't have to be too worried about what you are getting in to. It is coming soon though and I'm pretty sure I'm not ready for it.
I love how easy going you are. How you go with the flow and as long as we are "going" you are fine. You are one of the best shopping buddies I've ever had. THE best running buddy I've ever had. (Granted, I haven't had many running buddies because let's face it - before you I didn't do much outdoor running or running in general for that matter.) Now that the weather is pretty I pick you up from Grandma or Sandy's after work and we go to the park. You love people watching and sit back in your stroller and relax while Mommy does all the work. :)
So now on to the stats. At 8 months you...
  • Weigh 21 pounds 6 ounces (had to take you to the doctor around 8 months for a cold - I was worried about your ears!)
  • Are in Size 4 diapers.
  • Wear 12 month clothing. Some of your 9 month sleepers are fitting, but if I buy you new clothes, I go ahead and get 12 month everything.
  • Love the water. Now that it is getting warmer you are spending a lot of time in the water.
  • Sitting up so good. The other night I went in to your room because you were crying (those top two teeth are working their way through and you are not happy about it) and you were sitting straight up in your crib with your back against the back of the crib. It really surprised me!
  • You are trying your hardest to crawl. You either go backwards or get a knee forward before losing your balance.
  • You LOVE to stand and practice walking. You love when I hold my hands out so you can pull up on them. 
  • You have really started to show more affection in this last month. If I'm holding you you'll lean in to me to snuggle. You love to hold my chin when I'm feeding you a bottle. It makes my heart skip each time you do it. 
  • There hasn't been much that you don't like to eat. We tried chicken the other night for the first time. It didn't go over very well at first because the consistency was wrong. I mixed it with apples and blended it a little better and you eat it up. You aren't crazy about peas, but that is the only thing you have really turned your nose up at. You really love feeding yourself with puffs and a few crackers that I got that dissolve like the puffs do. 
  • You love dogs. Sadie especially. You've started to look for her the minute we get home and she keeps you entertained while I get your dinner ready. 
  • You get an 8 ounce bottle every four hours or so and are eating 3 "meals" a day. And when you aren't teething you sleep like a champ. We've pushed your bed time back a little since your dad has a new job and goes in later. So you go to bed around 7:45 or 8:00 pm and sleep til about 7:15 am. It gives us more time to spend with you in the evening and I love it! Just more time for us to go to the park.
I love you, muchkin!  More than you will ever, ever know.


Brantley's First Baseball Game

I'm not sure if I blogged about it but a few weekends ago after spending the day at Freeman Mill Park (another post on Mom and I's tour of the Gwinnett County parks to follow soon), I on a whim decided I wanted to take Brantley to his first baseball game.  Anna and Mom met us up there and got tickets to sit on the lawn to watch the game, chat, and let Brantley play with his toys and people watch.  I can't wait to take him back.  We had a great time!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

First Mother's Day

The difference a year can make.  Last year I was a little more than half way through my pregnancy with Brantley.  This year he is eight months old.  I am so blessed and lucky to be this little boy's momma.  There is no better gig.  He's the most amazing kid ever.  And I'm not partial - he really is!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monday Weigh In

I lost 1.6 pounds this week and I worked for every bit of it. Brantley and I have made it a routine of going to the park near our house. He is such an awesome running buddy. He loves people watching and rotating his wrist (which looks a lot like a wave). People wave back to him and I think he eats up the attention.
I have 5 more weeks and 6.2 pounds to go until my birthday which is the deadline for my “28 by 28” goal. It averages to 1.24 pounds a week. Which is completely attainable and consistent with the amount of weight I have been losing each week – but I really wanted to be closer to my goal at this point. I want to meet it! So it looks like Brantley and I will be at the park as much as we can the next five weeks.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Where were you when you found Osama Bin Laden had been killed?

I remember when 9/11 happened. I was in my dorm room my freshman year of college getting ready for my English class. A neighbor down the hall had come down to tell us about it and I remember turning the TV on and sitting down on my futon with my roommate to watch right when the second plane hit. I remember the moment I realized it wasn’t an accident, that it was an attack on our country. I made the decision that I wasn’t going to class even before we were notified that class was cancelled. How do you go to English class when your country is being attacked? I remember being glued to the television for hours that day. And the weeks to come. I downloaded remembrance songs and made a CD of them. Yes, yes I did. Music is how I have always “dealt” with things. And listening to Lonestar singing “One More Day” while President Bush’s speech on the war on terror was inserted in parts was my way of dealing with it. Of processing it. A few months later we went to NYC on a church trip for Memorial Day weekend (how fitting!). Everywhere you went there were makeshift bulletin boards set up on street corners, Grand Central Station, the parks, etc. of people who were still missing. All those faces of someone’s mother, someone’s son, someone’s husband that didn’t come home that night. I think every generation has their “Where were you when…” moments. I will always remember when the World Trade Center buildings were attacked. I will remember those images forever.
I will now, thanks to our military, always remember where I was when I found out the mastermind behind those attacks, Osama Bin Laden, was killed. When justice was served. Craig and I had a late night last night. Our pipe in the front yard busted and he’d been outside with my dad trying to repair it. I remember crawling in the bed and setting my alarm. Figured I’d look at Facebook before turning off the light to go to sleep and that’s when I noticed EVERYONE’S status updates. Thank you social media for keeping me in the loop. I jokingly said to Craig, “How does your WSBTV app not alert you of this?!” He is forever getting a distinct news update beep on his phone. And will turn to me to tell me the latest - that Lindsay Lohan is going back to jail or there was a drug bust down the road. But Bin Laden is killed and he gets nothing?!
What a great feeling for our country. For the loved ones of the faces I saw on the makeshift bulletin boards almost 10 years ago. For our military. The ones who have fought and who are now home. For the ones that are still there. And for their families. If even for a brief moment - no matter what your political views, race, religion, etc. - our country is united much like we were 10 years ago under much different circumstances. 


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