Sunday, May 15, 2011

8 Month Update

I am way behind in getting this posted and his picture taken, but here is the munchkin's monthly update...

This might be my most favorite stage yet. I love that you know what you want when you want it. I love that you are "spunky" and carry on "conversations". I love that you are sitting up so well and are so much fun to play with upright. I love how curious you are, but also the fact that you aren't too mobile yet so I don't have to be too worried about what you are getting in to. It is coming soon though and I'm pretty sure I'm not ready for it.
I love how easy going you are. How you go with the flow and as long as we are "going" you are fine. You are one of the best shopping buddies I've ever had. THE best running buddy I've ever had. (Granted, I haven't had many running buddies because let's face it - before you I didn't do much outdoor running or running in general for that matter.) Now that the weather is pretty I pick you up from Grandma or Sandy's after work and we go to the park. You love people watching and sit back in your stroller and relax while Mommy does all the work. :)
So now on to the stats. At 8 months you...
  • Weigh 21 pounds 6 ounces (had to take you to the doctor around 8 months for a cold - I was worried about your ears!)
  • Are in Size 4 diapers.
  • Wear 12 month clothing. Some of your 9 month sleepers are fitting, but if I buy you new clothes, I go ahead and get 12 month everything.
  • Love the water. Now that it is getting warmer you are spending a lot of time in the water.
  • Sitting up so good. The other night I went in to your room because you were crying (those top two teeth are working their way through and you are not happy about it) and you were sitting straight up in your crib with your back against the back of the crib. It really surprised me!
  • You are trying your hardest to crawl. You either go backwards or get a knee forward before losing your balance.
  • You LOVE to stand and practice walking. You love when I hold my hands out so you can pull up on them. 
  • You have really started to show more affection in this last month. If I'm holding you you'll lean in to me to snuggle. You love to hold my chin when I'm feeding you a bottle. It makes my heart skip each time you do it. 
  • There hasn't been much that you don't like to eat. We tried chicken the other night for the first time. It didn't go over very well at first because the consistency was wrong. I mixed it with apples and blended it a little better and you eat it up. You aren't crazy about peas, but that is the only thing you have really turned your nose up at. You really love feeding yourself with puffs and a few crackers that I got that dissolve like the puffs do. 
  • You love dogs. Sadie especially. You've started to look for her the minute we get home and she keeps you entertained while I get your dinner ready. 
  • You get an 8 ounce bottle every four hours or so and are eating 3 "meals" a day. And when you aren't teething you sleep like a champ. We've pushed your bed time back a little since your dad has a new job and goes in later. So you go to bed around 7:45 or 8:00 pm and sleep til about 7:15 am. It gives us more time to spend with you in the evening and I love it! Just more time for us to go to the park.
I love you, muchkin!  More than you will ever, ever know.


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